Tuesday 30 May 2017

The Invisible Borders | if you are a member of the Collective, kindly rattle your jewelry

The legendary john lennon, one of the members of the british rock and roll band ‘The beetles’ gave their audience an adlib to ponder on in one of the band’s iconic shows in scotland. when they were about to round off the concert, John announced, “if you are in the lower seats please clap your hands and if you are in the upper seats, kindly rattle your jewelry.”
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 In the history of Africa’s documentation through photography, contents creations and films, two Africans always come to mind. Professor Ali Mazrui and photographer Mohammed Amin are both exemplary on this particular field. They gave Africa the true story contrary to the west ballyhooed assumption about the African continent. They are both ordinary Africans with extraordinary mission.  They were both distinguished Africans!
 Invisible Borders is a group of collective minds that have decided to take Africa’s documentation history to the next flight by deconstructing the Atlas map and border network of the continent using their most powerful and extensive tools like camera, films and writing pads.
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Through documentary films and photojournalism, Ali Mazrui and Mohammed Amin through well researched, on the spot reportage and creative supplies of content won accolades not only in Africa and among Africans, they were still able to distinguish themselves among their western counterpart and media through their up to detail reports and images. Africa was safe in their hands reporting Africa through the eyes of Africans.
The Sixteen member nation of the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS] has been at the forefront of one common border among the member countries to promote a regional unity, coexistence, one common commerce and business community, also one road, for one common access with a single passport and currency. a credible mission that is somehow still invincible to be visible for now.
African Union the bigger body for Africa’s oneness is at a cross road as well. Likewise, different other confederations designed to promote regional coexistence have been at a stalemate for loose control of the borders for freedom among Africans. Yet, the power of Lens and travels has been able to bridge Africa and Africans to achieve one common goal, just one invisible border.
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Today, the Invisible Borders, a trans-border project is taking Africa to another level. The legends have passed the baton so well into their hands. It has become a reality to see young and enterprising photographers, writers, documentary filmmakers embarking on a project that once seems to be in futility. The travels have gone beyond Africa and gradually moving from the east of Europe to the waiting arms of the former colonizers. “Africa is not one country”, explained Emeka Okereke, one of the members of the collective and the founding member of the project.  
A yearly expedition that started among some interested photographers who were simply hungry and more deliberately hungry to seek and snap beyond that visible mark but to grow their own frontiers have received critical acclaim and world review by the international community to build love, friendship, subdue hatred, but promote that true Pan-Africanism propounded by the founding fathers and freedom fighters of Africa. 
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The invisible borders collective are not attention seeking group, neither are they politicians or a form of pressure group representing a civil society or a group of unionist. They are not coup plotters as well, but simply adventurers, expeditionists breaking down walls of slavery and culture discord among Africans. They are beyond a conference table envoys debating on Africa, Africans and the potentialities using the power of camera, film and content to open Africans and the world’s eyes to see through the lenses and participate further.

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Check out the photo gallery and stories emanating from the group’s films and articles, the beautiful moment are the free access and uncensored but connecting reports and body of research documented through images that tell stories of their expedition. They are classic collections

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Attitude leads the spirit to success so they say. Since inception, more tasking and taxing part of the yearly project is fund raising. Either from the first encounter of Lagos to Bamako, or Lagos to Ethiopia and last year edition from Lagos to Sarajevo, the logistics and getting the funds are major herculean issues to tackle every year by the collective. Despite going through the challenges, the group still finds its feet to move on the road. The odds are there all the time, but the success stories and the milestones being achieved ultimately bring succor to the team always. Never has there been a tears rolling down their cheeks attitude. The solution to availability of fund remains invisible.
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Knowledge and Tolerance
These virtues make the hallmark of achievers world over. The collective have demonstrated rare patience from funding to acceptance. Meeting recalcitrant strangers and receptive ones. Connecting through interraction and making their beds in deserted camps, the group have wobbled and paddled through discomfort to make comfort presentations. Knowledge is the key to life. The movement has given us more to know beyond colonialists adventurers and geographers. Photo speaks volume to the people, and wonderful planning from the collective have taken them beyond ordinary expeditionists to world class photographers. Integrating and free access could be cumbersome for any stranger all over the world. The Invisible Borders collective are Africa’s window to the world. They remain avant-garde!

Story/Aito Ireho

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