Wednesday 30 August 2017

Ijo Orunmila Adulawo|There is Worship in the City

In an urban-culture city of Lagos, inhabited by diverse worship and faith, Ijo Orunmila Adulawo Worldwide faithful worship with songs, language, liturgy, and great testimonies, as they affirmed, there is worship in the city… 

I was just trying to find what important project to embark in 2017 and I remember how I have been fraternizing with Orunmila story as part of a 2006 documentary series that never saw the light of the day. Research have been carried out on different culture related topics but was abandoned due to lack of funds, the usual suspects that always come to cripple creative ideas. The traditional style of worship started coming to me for exploration in film, photographs and reportage. I quipped again, why this idea? I ran away from it and moved into the Christmas season but once again, the idea came back, now this time, very big and so important. I decided to go online for connectors and I found a Facebook account for ‘Ijo Orunmila Adulawo Worldwide’, I checked in and introduced myself with a proposal attached. A day later, I discovered a response on my mission and this gladdened my heart that something is happening so fast in the new year, as if I have all the money. No! I didn’t have a dime but the drive was just there to do it.
A certain connector from the other end introduced himself as Bosun Adetayo, who handles the platform. All the way, our discussions have always been formal with all the formalities observed. The account holder on the other end gave me the assurance that I am indeed welcome to engage them and see who they are and what they represent. He assured me further, that he has spoken with the elders among the faith and they also gave their words to be of help to make my documentary film worthwhile. But a little crack observed by Bosun was simply the address on the proposal which he had gone through. He revealed to me that the proposal was actually addressed to the Mushin branch of the church while he is in Somolu parish. Then, we agreed to meet on the 7th of January 2017 which we did at No 96, Apata Street, off Oguntolu Street, Somolu. The first time I saw Bosun, I remained perplexed! Bosun is a 19 year old undergraduate in one of Nigerian Universities!
The sign post with the name and address of the church comes out bodily while also written is the branch known as ‘Solution Temple’. A bungalow building stands with a wide entrance big door to usher in the faithful. Another door is on the other end of the building. In the church you have array of plastic chairs, all facing the altar known as ‘Ijuba’ where conspicuously placed is the picture of the founder which is synonymous to all the parishes and temples of Ijo Orunmila Adulawo Worldwide. At the end of the altar are the two doors that lead to the sacristy. One observation is the two doors are separated by a wall to divide the rooms into two. One for the male pastoral team, while the other one, is for the female team made up of mostly choir members. The seating arrangement of the faithful reminds one of the Vatican 1 of the Catholic Church, where men are separated from their women in seating arrangement. Another is the hymnal board hanging on one side of the wall in the church. I was amazed not to find a shrine with blood! At the back of the church, there is a bungalow built to have the priest and household. Just like a vicarage.
It may be an illusion to some that traditional religion still holds sway in the hearts and minds of Africans. But Africans still hold their allegiance to their cultural milieu. The church of Orunmila Worldwide was founded in 1934 by the revered apostle and high priest Olorunfunmi Adebanjo Oshiga.                  Born in 1898, but lived and died in 1943 aged 45. His life was brief, yet he left an established faith already for the faithful. Since the demise of Olorunfunmi Oshiga, the faith has grown in numbers with countless testimonies and appreciation of the Almighty by the faithful. While some were born into the faith, others came through spiritual search for God’s presence.
  Interesting to know are some of the visible components that have built ‘Ijo Orunmila Adulawo.  Firstly, is the Liturgical process, which is similar to Christianity. The entrance and recessional hymns and order of movement are in line with the Christian order of Orthodox churches that include the act of genuflecting at the altar known as ‘Ijuba’. The pastoral team is dressed in white apparel that symbolizes purity. Secondly, the songs of the church have familiar tunes with what is obtainable in Christianity. Scored with antiphon, refrain and chorus ensemble. Thirdly, is the adherence to Yoruba language which has given the faith the sort of international recognition it has garnered so far. The quest to know about the religion and the faithful has grown into international prominence.  Fourthly are the testimonies that abound in the church among the faithful. While some give testimonies on career path and job opportunities, others give on marital breakthrough and many still come to give appreciation for finding their path through the religion.  And fifthly is the presence of different generation of people that abound.   A bit to someone’s dismay, will surely be to see urbane- styled young people in the faith with serious devotion to what they believe in. The faith boasts of different category and class of people who have come to see Orunmila as their intercessor to God.
  Bosun Adetayo is a faithful of Orunmila worship in the sprawling city of Lagos. Though he is not alone in this devotion,  along with his sister and their mum, they join their uncle Segun Adetayo who is the parish head of Orunmila church known as ‘Solution Temple’ in Somolu, one of the bludgeoning suburbs in the city to worship God through regular mass and programs. The Somolu temple of the church is 55years old. Confidently, Bosun says, “I am a proud member of Ijo Orunmila Adulawo. I was born into this faith and I have no regrets whatsoever being part of it.”                                                                                                                  
Bosun seems a teetotaler but the Sister, Ifayemisi who is in her final year in a private Secondary school is the extrovert one with so much verve to talk about her decision. Ifayemisi sees the faith as a blessing to her, her family and the world in general.  “In Africa, we have enough to celebrate and thank God for. The young people should stop running away from tradition. It has been more of a blessing for me. The confidence in me has grown as a faithful and in my school, some of my teachers know where I belong and they show me love and respect. I have never being embarrassed in one way or the other by my friends and schoolmates,” she reveals.
Bosun and Ifayemisi’s mum, Chief [Mrs] Mojisola Adetayo, joined the church in 1995 through her husband who is now deceased. “I got married to Oluwo Olorunfunmi Adetayo in 1994. We started by coming to Ijo Orunmila Adulawo once in a while. Later, when I moved finally to his house, I completed my movement into the faith. Since then, I have continued to worship with them,” she recalls. Her husband died in 2005 and in 2007, she became worried, “I thought about my staying in the faith or leave, but to God be the Glory, I am still here and part of the faith.” In 2011, Chief [Mrs] Mojisola Adetayo, was elected as ‘Mother-of-the church.’ That also drew her very close to the faith as she narrated, “I was elated and happy. I never expected it. Though, I lost my husband early, but today, I am still in the church.”
 The worship most times last less than two hours in an exciting devotion to Orunmila. Odofin Adesegun Adetayo is the parish head in Somolu. His parents were integral member of the faith and he grew in it. “I started my elementary education in Gbagada area of Lagos, before proceeding to secondary school but couldn’t pass the university matriculation examination,” he confirms. He started as Altar server [Omo Awo], before, going through two more steps, Ojubona and Aro before becoming the Odofin. Adesegun Adetayo highlighted the liturgy process of Ijo Orunmila Adulawo Worldwide. “The order of proceedings goes like this – [1] Entrance hymn to the altar hymn14, [2]  The blessing of the altar [3] The song of the founder, [4] The penitential act – hymn 331, [5]          Prayer by kneeling process, [6]The first hymn 302, [7]Prayer of the faithful, [8] The creed is recited- profession of the faith, [9] The first Ifa verses, [10]Songs of praise, [11]The creed, [12]The second Ifa verses, [13] Songs and thanks to God hymn 261, [14]Sermon, [15] Offering, [16]Final blessings, [17]End of the service hymn 360, [18]Recession hymn 16. In any part of the world, the order is always the same,” says Odofin Adesegun Adetayo.
On the 8th of January, 2017, Odofin Adesegun was admonishing the faithful through his sermon on the significance of love and unity in marriage. He said, “It is important for trust to be the foundation of any genuine marriage. A marriage built on lies and deceits always end up in a quagmire,” he posited while making references fromGege Ope’ which is the combination of Ifa verses and testaments  “Every couple has a lot to learn from each other” he continues, “and one of the components of a successful marriage is having the ‘act of companionship.’ The ability to know and manage each other’s weakness is a beautiful route to a love in the air marriage,” he affirmed.
The women in Orunmila worship are referred as ‘Apetebi’ that literally means ‘Mrs,’ ‘Ms’ or ‘Miss’ and according to Taiwo Igayemi Ifayemi, “being a woman of faith in this devotion is a special blessing for the womenfolk.” She plays an integral part in the faith. In fact, she was born into it. Taiwo Igayemi is a tailor by profession, a missionary that broadcast on radio morning and night transmission. She has attended various seminars on Ifa adulation. “I am the Choir Director at the Somolu branch. To join the choir and become a chorister is not an easy task. There is a special attention to detail. From the hymns, antiphons, chorus and refrain, everything is scored.” she affirms, as she talks about the impact of women in Orunmila worship, “Women play important role in this church. Firstly, we make the world go round. We are mothers with curious minds to guide and lead the right path. Women play major roles in winning converts for Orunmila. Our missionary work is highly commendable.”
Testimonies abound from the faithful and each one of them would confirm the presence of true worship in their lives. Apetebi Aina Adegun, work with Lagos State Security and this is her sixth year as a member of the faith. “Formerly, I was a Christian,” she explains. “I was a Christ Apostolic Church member, in fact, I was an integral part of their choir. When I met my husband, we had our introduction, then one Sunday, I asked him, “don’t you go to church?” he responded, “He always do” Then I asked him, “let us go to your church” which he obliged. As we got to church of Orunmila in Somolu, I noticed this particular chant of giving praises such as ‘Eyin Odumare!’ meaning ‘Praise the Lord’ I was scared and took to my heels. I thought they meant ‘bird of Olodumare’ I ran to my mother and explained to her my observation in this strange church. My mother too was puzzled. Eventually, I got pregnant and delivered my first baby Ayeduro Adegun. The church came and performed the naming ceremony. It became difficult for Aina to accept easily the faith into her life.  She explains further, “One day I thought about it, will I be staying indoors and not attend church programs? Won’t I pray to God no more? Then I started coming gradually. My husband told me with time, I will understand the faith more.” Aina’s father in law gave her the hymn book of the church and implored her to join the faith fully. “He emphatically assured me of the thoroughness of the faith that I should endeavor to participate in the praises and responsorial chants. He used to give me his tithes to pay on his behalf. This is a schemed way of making me to be punctual.”
Mrs Awolumate Adesua hails from Edo State. She met her husband as a traditionalist in 2012 and they dated for 2 years before being married as a couple. “We eventually got married in 2013 and we have a son named Ifamurewa. Since we got married, we have been giving beautiful testimonies to share. Serving Ifa is good and full of countless graces that I couldn’t ask for more. She recalls the time she introduced her fiancĂ© to her family, “I told them he is a traditionalist. My family members were surprised and asked what I meant? I know even in my place in Edo State, we have so many of such traditional faith and religion, though some different from Orunmila. I am from a Christian background but I found love and joy in Orunmila worship. I was allowed to marry him, since it is a decision and path I have chosen.
Presently, Chief Ifagbemi Adedotun Ifajobi is the Supreme Leader and Chief priest of Ijo Orunmila Adulawo Worldwide. In a chance encounter at the ‘New Year’ appreciation held at ‘Eji Elemere Temple, Mushin, he gave a good account of the essence of divine and true worship to God. Speaking further, “We have parishes, provinces, diocesan councils scattered all over the world. In Lagos, we have 9 to 10 parishes. In Ogun State, we have about 30 parishes. We have churches in Cotonou-Benin Republic, in Ghana likewise Porto Novo, California USA and other major cities of the world. My parents gave birth to me in this faith and I was reliably informed the church anchored the naming ceremony and ever since, I have been part of the church movement.” The high priest also lampooned the rejection of African religion and cultures, believing both western and traditional religion all work for the good. He remarks, “We know among the people of black origin, there are many lost souls. The western civilization and incursion into our culture actually tampered with many of our cherished traditions and heritage. Though they did so well by introducing western education into our society, nevertheless, they shouldn’t have made it to rubbish our culture, tradition and religion. All what God the Supreme Being gave us as gifts to relish have been tampered with by brainwashing our people. Many have been deceived that God does not answer prayers through traditional worship.”
For Omoyemi Banjo, a Mathematics student of the University of Lagos, Orunmila worship has really made her to grow in confidence and show how gullible one can be, if one continues to tag along with everyone without being conscious to know where someone belongs. She is one those many youths in the youth wing of the church and who are adhering to the tenets of Orunmila worship. Just like Bosun and Ifayemisi, Omoyemisi was born into the faith and vowed never to leave. In her words, “Orunmila gives me anything I ask for, then why should I leave?” she asked.
Odofin Adetayo and High Priest Fagbemi keep giving their assurances that when you join Orunmila church, believe that whatever your problems are, you have found the solution here. Odofin Adesegun posits, “In the church of Orunmila, we do not discriminate against other faith.  We give mutual respect to other faith in existence just as we expect them to do the same to us, as we promote love unity and peace in our religion which is one of our tenets. While the High Priest Fagbemi opines, “I employ and appeal to everyone, let us go back to what we know. The stakeholders in films, music and theatre have exploited our traditional worship for their career and personal gains, yet they are very far away from the worship. Our traditional worship shouldn’t be neglected because every civilization has its foundation process, as Ifa is the word and remains universal.”
Apetebi Taiwo Igayemi whose sonorous voice resonates the songs of worship to ecstasy shares the benefit of the devotion from her own testimony, “I have received bountiful graces from this faith. My life is a testimony. Ifa gives life. While Mrs Mojisola Adetayo says she fears no foe.” Once I say my prayers, I know God answers through Ijo Orunmila Adulawo. I advise women, maybe you are a widow, come to God of Orunmila. The church of Orunmila is the husband of widows. If you feel you are barren, come don’t be afraid. In the beginning, I also thought it was a place for sacrifice here and there with all sorts but I was wrong. Hand over your life and you will see the joy beneath. There is hope in Orunmila church.” Aina Adegun said one unique component she observed is the love that bound the faith. She continues, “In my neighbourhood where I live, once I get prepared to go to church, my neighbours make obscene gestures at me, calling me a witch. They always take to their heels. To be candid, none of my neighbours at No 54 Odunsi Street, Somolu attended the naming ceremony of my two children. They went about calling us witches. But when they started glancing at the performative rites of naming ceremony, they were astonished and started gathering. It was a marvel to behold. She also testified that some of them have started sneaking into Orunmila church through the back door seeking solutions to their problems. “Since I joined this faith, I have become one of the happiest people on earth. In the church of Orunmila, they have never asked me to bring anything living or dead for sacrifice. Six years down the line, I have no regrets whatsoever of joining this faith,” she concludes.
Words Ireho Aito
Images Ireho Aito

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